
How We Work Together



At Movementum, our aim is to support people with a disability to feel empowered. We work with you to ensure your day-to-day personal care tasks are as efficient and smooth as possible to reduce time, money and energy required for these tasks. We visit you at home, at a time when your daily tasks are being completed, to get the true picture of what is taking place and how we can best support you to get the improvements you are seeking. 

We can help you:

  • Determine your goals and priorities – what do you want to get out of your OT service?

  • Assessment for equipment 

  • Review set-up at home - equipment and care routines 

  • Train and coach your support team in completing care tasks safely

  • Apply for funding to improve or update equipment


Care Workers

Attending training is often a drag for care workers – this is not the case with our training!  At Movementum, we recognise the importance of care workers in the lives of those they support and this is fundamental to how we partner with care workers.  You have a very important role and we want you to be supported, listened to, empowered and driven to do amazing work and thrive in your chosen industry – while being injury-free.  

We are not into ‘tick a box’ training but are passionate about facilitating development of new skills and a recognition of why it matters, no matter how many years of experience a carer may have. Care workers who have been part of training or assessment with Movementum often report that they feel that they have been listened to and respected, resulting in them feeling comfortable to be open about their concerns and struggles, allowing real change to take place. This is why we do what we do! 

Working with Movementum, you can expect:

  • Assessments that are completed while care workers are present so we can observe your normal routines

  • Tailored solutions to care routines – we listen, observe, experiment and involve all parties in the possible outcomes that can be achieved.  

  • Care workers are involved in assessments, trials and training when new equipment or procedures are being implemented with their clients

  • OT’s that understand what you do, the challenges you face and value your input and experience

  • Exposure to innovative techniques and equipment to make your job easier

  • Training and workshops that are engaging, real, hands-on, solutions-focused and have you thankful you came along. 

  • To learn something new and have a good time doing it – no matter how long you have been a care worker!


Care Organisations and Service Providers

Movementum assists organisations to build a well-trained, motivated and responsive workforce who value their client’s well-being, as well as their own. We help educate staff and keep them safe from injury while providing high-quality care to their clients. 

We believe that staff need to be involved in the solution to achieve genuine and lasting change within an organisation and their practices. By taking this approach, we continue to see amazing results in complex and difficult situations by partnering with staff, management, clients and families to achieve a solution for safe and high-quality care.  

Movementum can provide one-off or ongoing services including:

  • Manual handling training – group training or client focused workshops

  • Development and maintaining manual handling plans and procedures

  • Risk assessments when hazards are identified in client’s homes or workplace

  • Review of service efficiency, so that staff can provide quality service in reduced time through using innovative equipment and well-structured services.  

  • Professional Development sessions as part of staff onboarding, team meetings and off-sites


At Movementum, we’re passionate about people with disabilities receiving the best possible care they can. We are equally as passionate about supporting care providers to deliver high quality supports without the risk of being injured.

As a team, we have unique expertise in moving and handling skills, and we have particular individuals these services are most suited to.

NDIS and individual needs are incredibly broad and whilst we can do a good job at a lot of things, we prefer to do a great job in our area of expertise, and this is where NDIS supports work best!

When looking to work with us, or make a referral for a participant, please consider if the following statements apply to you or your participant;

  • I have a physical disability that is complex or progressive in nature

  • I require skilled or highly involved care supports to assist me across my day (informal or formal care support)

  • I am looking to work with an OT provider to review my equipment, routines or environment to improve the safety, effectiveness or efficiency of my daily tasks and care supports

  • I would like training or support for my carers to aid their quality support of me

While we’d love to say ‘yes’ to every support need, we strive to provide the best of ourselves to those we work with. This means we may not be able to accept general OT requests, to ensure that we can meet the needs of those who specifically require our complex care, moving and handling expertise. 

If you would like to work with us or find out more, contact us.

Once we’ve discussed if we’re the right fit for you, we’ll send you our referral form for online completion.


What We Do

Using a collaborative approach, Movementum works with clients to understand the specific requirements and goals for your workplace or home, and provide services tailored to your needs.

This can include:

  • TRAINING - Dynamic and hands-on training including manual handling inductions, complex care skills, equipment and technique masterclasses. All training is facilitated by an experienced Occupational Therapist, creating a safe space to discuss real concerns or risks.

  • WORKSHOPS - Collaborative problem solving for complex manual handling issues for families, care teams and health professionals.

  • SERVICE REVIEWS – Review of current services for potential manual handling risks, difficulties or areas of concern. We also work directly with individuals and their care team to ensure equipment and routines are serving them well to optimise funding and available supports.

  • Skill growth plans for carers/support workers to facilitate continuous growth in manual handling skills, applications and opportunities across their career.

  • ASSESSMENTS - Individual in-home assessment for equipment and care support needs.  This includes functional assessments and NDIS needs assessments and associated reports.


Why Movementum?

Movementum is experienced in occupational therapy, manual handling and workplace health and safety. Delivered with a professional, common-sense approach, our training and assessment programs can help disability support carers, organisations and individuals to communicate better, identify issues and adopt new ways of doing day-to-day tasks through up-skilling and education.

With Movementum’s guidance, care organisations have worked towards reducing:

  • Turnover of staff

  • Staff injuries or unplanned time off work

  • Staff and/or client discontent with the way services are being conducted

  • Miscommunication between an organisation, staff and clients

  • Insurance premiums and workers’ compensation payments

  • Stress when managing very complex care services 

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To arrange a consultation, please call Natasha or contact us