About Us

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About Movementum

Collaboration is key to getting great results and providing high-quality, safe and efficient care that benefits all involved.

As a qualified occupational therapist and trainer for 20 years, our founder Natasha understands the challenges faced by carers, aged care staff and disability support workers when providing care to clients and family members. 

Everyone deserves great care – without the risk of injury while providing or receiving it.  This is exactly what Movementum works towards in every interaction. Collaboration is key to getting great results and providing high-quality, safe and efficient care that benefits all involved.  Movementum offers a combination of workshops, training, assessments and consultation to ensure both individuals and their support teams are informed, educated and empowered to deliver quality care. 

Openness and respect are the foundations for how we work at Movementum – we get to know our clients personally and truly understand what’s important to them, which shapes where we focus our efforts. As a team, we share a passion for enabling all of our clients and the people who care for them the best possible quality of life.

We look forward to working with you to move well and achieve great things! 


About Natasha Nutt


Occupational Therapist, WHS Consultant, Trainer and Founder

Registered Occupational Therapist and mum of three, Natasha has specialised in manual handling, risk assessment and support of people with disabilities for 15 years. Natasha has extensive experience in assessment and training to achieve best-practice processes for individuals, staff and carers. Natasha has worked in collaboration with government agencies, care facilities, schools, workplaces and in the home, and is experienced in completing funding applications that comply with various funding bodies including NDIS.

Natasha’s passion for movement, healthy living, and helping others to reach their greatest potential is at the heart of what Movementum does:

“It’s in the lounge rooms, kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms of hundreds of homes that I found my passion - assisting people with disabilities to identify and strive for their personal goals, while also supporting those who provide the day-to-day care to help get them there.

Everyone has value, worth, skills and capabilities – I enjoy helping people tap into these in whatever roles they fulfil. Over the years much has changed for me personally and professionally, however the initial passion for people and their carers remains.”

Natasha holds:

  • Master of Science (Occupational Health and Safety), with Distinction

  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy), with Honours 


Our Team


Megan Potter, Occupational Therapist

As one of our valued Occupational Therapists, Megan brings an understanding of physical disability and an interest in assistive technology to the role. Her focus is on finding the best outcome for clients, and understanding the support they need in their daily lives. 

Megan has been part of our team since 2019, and brings an exceptional level of care and knowledge to her client support. 

“I love being part of the Movementum team as I work with dedicated, talented and professional people who share their knowledge and skills. Natasha is a great mentor and always has time to help others,” says Megan. 

In her spare time, Megan enjoys spending time with her family, walking and swimming. 

Azaria McGillivray, Occupational Therapist

Azaria’s passion is working with individuals with a psycho-social disability and working closely with them to build their skills to achieve their life goals. Her encouraging, gentle nature makes everyone around her feel positive and calm.

She holds a Graduate Entry of Masters (Occupational Therapy).

Azaria loves supporting and watching people thrive to live their best lives and be the best versions of themselves.

Outside of her OT life, Azaria is either on a tennis court; or has her head in a book with a cuppa next to her. Azaria quotes CS Lewis saying: “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me”.

Chloe van Gool, Allied Health Assistant

Chloe has a certificate 3 in Individual Support and certificate 4 in Allied Health Assistance, she aspires to be an OT one day and we have no doubt she will be.

Chloe first became interested in support work when supporting her brother living with autism to attend and participate in sporting and other events while in high school. Since then she has worked towards her qualifications and built on much experience in her support worker roles.

Chloe is a solutions seeker and says “I believe we should get rid of the ‘no you can’t’ and bring in more ‘here’s what we can try’.” She shows genuine care for everyone and strives to support clients to achieve and maintain an independent, safe and comfortable quality of life.

In her leisure time, Chloe is an avid reader, with her own book room and she also loves to spend time with her 2 beautiful (and very energetic) dogs.

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Tyson Nutt, Tech Consultant and General Troubleshooter

As Natasha’s husband, Tyson has been part of the Moventum team since day dot - helping with tech, business advice, coffee making, late-night listening and generally just being an all round helper of things. 

His tech knowledge also means he sometimes helps our clients out with technology which helps them live more independently, such as setting up Alexa for voice enabled lighting and temperature control. 

“I’m incredibly proud of what Movementum has become. Natasha sets a really high bar for the work that she does, and she instills that across all of the team. They work hard, and they genuinely care for the people and organisations they’re helping,” says Tyson. 

In his spare time, he enjoys mountain biking, surfing, swimming and the occasional red wine.

Nicole Bellamy, Allied Health Assistant

Nic is always smiling and works with great enthusiasm. With a background in training and development she is well equipped to deliver client centred care for improved daily living skills and ensuring client needs and equipment are well documented to ensure safety and consistency of care.

Nic is great at assisting clients to determine their goals then empowering them step by step with the suitable resources and supports to achieve those goals.  Nic says; “I love the face to face contact I have with my clients. I get great joy working with individuals to achieve their goals. My job is very humbling every day.”

Nic has a certificate 3 in Allied Health Assistance and certificate 4 in Training and Development. She will be continuing with the certificate 4 in Allied Health Assistance in 2023.

When Nic is not working her magic as an AHA, you’ll find her reading or listening to books, spending time with her family or walking with friends.

Emily Reid, Health Administrator

Emily joined our team in 2020, her role is varied, covering all aspects of office administration, training and workshop support, report preparation, equipment procurement, and communication. 

With a background in rehabilitation counselling and aged care, Emily brings her knowledge of the disability and aged care sector to the role, meaning she has a thorough understanding of our business and the importance of our work. 

“I love empowering people and giving them greater independence through the support services we provide. At Movementum, we’re all on the same page, and we enjoy a great workplace culture, focused on holistic, person-centred care,” says Emily. 

In her time off, Emily enjoys exercising - running, cycling and swimming at the beach: “I love the occasional slowdown, getting in touch with nature through photography during a stroll in the forest or a walk on the beach.”

Boris Baraldi, Accounts Administration

Boris is responsible for keeping us on track with our finances and compliance. With extensive knowledge of the NDIS practice standards and compliance obligations, he keeps all of our records up to date for billing, invoicing and NDIS funding. 

Since joining the team in 2018, Boris has proved invaluable in his role here at Movementum. Our Occupational Therapists can focus on their client work, with the knowledge that Boris is taking care of all essential paperwork, payments, policies and procedures. 

“I love the passion and care and focus we have, to improve the lives and wellbeing of people living with a disability who need support,” says Boris. 

In his spare time, he loves spending time with his family and in the community, and volunteers as the Secretary/Public Officer and Events Coordinator at Oak Flats Swim Club.